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The Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri, Inc. exists to build and hold charitable component funds and a permanent and growing endowment for the community’s changing needs and opportunities, and to honor the intentions of donors who create those funds.

​Incorporated in 2009, The Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri, Inc. is a qualified publicly supported charity under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)3 and 509(a)1 allowing us to offer tax deductions for gifts made to The Community Foundation, just as they would receive for gifts to other nonprofit organizations.

​Since our beginning, The Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri, Inc. has grown to serve the 18 counties of Northwest Missouri and become known nationally for our innovative approach to regional vitality. Donors have entrusted us with their charitable funds, we have established relationships with nonprofits through the 18 counties of Northwest Missouri we serve, and we are a leader and a resource for philanthropy for individuals, companies, and families.

Administrative Fees

Annual Administrative Fees
on the Market Value of Fund Assets
$350 minimum fee
$400 minimum fee (Field of Interest Funds Only)
1.15% on the first $500,000
0.85% on the next $500,000
0.60% on the next $5 million
0.30% on $6 million and above

Administrative fees support the Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri’s mission-based operations. The Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization. This administrative fee schedule applies to funds at The Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri. The fees, used exclusively to support The Community Foundation’s mission, are your investment in a public charity dedicated to increasing charitable giving and connecting donors to community.

​Funds range in size from a few thousand dollars to tens of millions of dollars. The fees stated above are the annual fees; fees are charged to the fund monthly based on the average fair market value of assets. For newly established funds, the minimum annual fee is prorated over the remainder of the year.

​All funds are managed by The Commerce Trust Company for the benefit of The Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri. Funds may be charged for extraordinary direct expenses incurred on behalf of a specific fund, such as commissions for the sale of contributed stock. The Community Foundation may request additional fees for extraordinary services such as special grant processing and review or other non-standard services.

© 2020 Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri | Created by Ashley Coats
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