Northwest Missouri’s Future: The $19 billion Opportunity
Residents of Northwest Missouri have accumulated substantial amounts of wealth since the end of World War II. Over the next 50 years (2020-2070), a staggering $19 billion will pass from one generation to the next. ​These findings are part of the Missouri Transfer of Wealth (TOW) Study which was sponsored by the Alliance of Missouri Community Foundations. The study estimates household estate wealth that will be transferred from one generation to the next statewide and in Missouri’s individual counties.
Community foundations statewide use the study to help Missourians understand the need to keep a portion of the money earned in their community for future generations. It is also used to increase philanthropy resulting in the sustainability of social and human services. In an ever-increasing environment of dwindling state and federal monetary assistance, philanthropic dollars will be needed to bridge future gaps maintaining regional sustainability.
​Much of this wealth is currently invested in family homes, farms, retirement accounts, and other appreciated assets—some of which may be heavily taxed if given to heirs. For generations, people lived their entire lives close to their birthplace and as wealth passed from one generation to the next, most stayed in the same town or county. This is no longer true… once the wealth leaves our communities, it may never return.​
If 5% of all final estates are contributed to The Community Foundation, endowed, and invested in a fund, $1 billion would benefit the community in perpetuity. We are asking NWMO residents to leave 5% of their estate to the community they care about in a named fund at The Community Foundation.
Find out more by accessing the TRANSFER OF WEALTH IN MISSOURI AND ITS COUNTIES Report. Call us to schedule a presentation at 816.232.2022